A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

GMVA observed proposals for the 40m telescope in 2024

Year stands for the year when the proposal was submitted. Session stands for the observing session. Proposals are usually observed 9 months after submission and they may be splitted and observed in several sessions.

Proposal ID Proposal Code Year Session PI Title
23B-067 MP010 2023 2024A Park Peering into M87's black hole in multiple colors
23B-068 MT005 2023 2024A Tetarenko Probing Relativistic Jets through mm-VLBI of X-ray Binaries
23B-152 MG010 2023 2024A Gomez Imaging supermassive binary black hole candidate OJ287 with GMVA+ALMA
24A-150 MX001 2023 2024A Xu S A Geodetic and Astrometric mm-VLBI Observation with GMVA
24B-043 MP012 2024 2024B Park Assessing Temporal Variations in Polarization Leakages within GMVA Observations
24B-138 MV007 2024 2024B von Fellenberg In light of the shadow: mm-VLBI study of M81* in the context of Sgr A* and M87*
24B-360 MN005 2024 2024B Nagar Jet Launching and Black Hole Demographics: the 'Gold Sample'
24B-371 MR020 2024 2024B Roesch Probing Characteristic Signatures of Neutrino Production in Blazars