A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

GMVA observed proposals for the 40m telescope in 2023

Year stands for the year when the proposal was submitted. Session stands for the observing session. Proposals are usually observed 9 months after submission and they may be splitted and observed in several sessions.

Proposal ID Proposal Code Year Session PI Title
22B-100 MP005 2022 2023A Jongho Park Multicolor View of the Black Hole Environment in M87
22B-121 MB019 2022 2023A Anne-Kathrin Baczko M2FINDERS: extreme magnetic fields in the vicinity of super-massive black holes
22B-249 MI004 2022 2023A Sara Issaoun Resolving Polarization in Sgr A* with GMVA+ALMA
22B-268 MN004 2022 2023A Neil Nagar A sample of black holes at <100 R_g scales: accretion flows, jets, and shadows
23A-031 MK025 2022 2023A Kim JY First subparsec-scale imaging of the new TeV gamma-ray radio galaxy 3C 264
23A-033 MP008 2022 2023A Paraschos Revealing the jet launching in 3C84 at the highest detail
23A-159 MJ004 2022 2023A Janssen Unraveling the nature of the Cen A jet: From cm to mm on light-day scales
23A-351 MR014 2022 2023A Ricci Probing the X-ray corona with 100GHz GMVA observations