A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

GMVA observed proposals for the 40m telescope in 2021

Year stands for the year when the proposal was submitted. Session stands for the observing session. Proposals are usually observed 9 months after submission and they may be splitted and observed in several sessions.

Proposal ID Proposal Code Year Session PI Title
19B-134 MG006 2019 2021A Gómez Imaging massive binary black hole candidate OJ287 with the GMVA+ALMA
19B-233 MK013 2019 2021A Kim Imaging Jet and Magnetic Field near the Spinning SMBH in M87
21A-209 MP002 2021 2021B, 2022A Paraschos Where is the black hole in 3C84 located?
21A-233 MB016 2021 2021B, 2022A Baczko Resolving the twin-jet base in NGC 1052
21A-336 MB018 2021 2021B Boccardi Bulk acceleration and jet internal structure in NGC315
21B-164 MT002 2021 2021B, 2022A Traianou Moving and stationary shocks interaction after a gamma-ray flare in TXS2013+370
21B-281 MT004 2021 2021B Tetarenko Probing Relativistic Jets through mm-VLBI of X-ray Binaries