A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

GMVA observed proposals for the 40m telescope in 2019

Year stands for the year when the proposal was submitted. Session stands for the observing session. Proposals are usually observed 9 months after submission and they may be splitted and observed in several sessions.

Proposal ID Proposal Code Year Session PI Title
19A-224 MH004 2019 2019A Hada Imaging Magnetic Acceleration and Collimation of M87 Jet at Scales of 7-150Rs
19A-259 MM016 2019 2019A Marscher Millimeter-wave Imaging of the Gamma-Ray Emitting Regions of Blazar Jets
19A-412 MK011 2019 2019A Koyama Resolving the jet collimation region in Mrk 501 with the GMVA
19B-166 MM017 2019 2019B, 2020A Marscher Millimeter-wave Imaging of the Gamma-Ray Emitting Regions of Blazar Jets (cont.)
19B-207 MC004 2019 2019B, 2020A Cui Unveiling the innermost jet collimation profile of BL Lac S5 1803+784