A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

EVN observed proposals for the 40m telescope in 2024

Year stands for the year when the proposal was observed. Session stands for the observing session. Proposals at the first session were submitted in the last call for proposals of the previous year.

Proposal ID Proposal Code Year Session PI Title
EV-2024-01 EM178 2024 2024C B. Marcote (J. Martí) The microblazar candidate IRAS 18293- 0941
EV-2024-02 EC096 2024 2024B X. Cheng AGN or Starburst? Confirming the Nature of Off-nuclear Radio Emission in NGC2146
EV-2024-03 EC097 2024 2024C N. Chang Hyper-eddington accretion: pc-scale radio structures in IRAS 04416+1215
EV-2024-04 EY044 2024 2024C J. Yang Search for an unprecedented radio jet from a nearby thermal TDE
EV-2024-05 EL073 2024 2024B J. Leung High-resolution imaging of late-time radio rebrightening in SN2022xxf
EV-2024-06 EG131 2024 2024C S. Ghosh Tracing the Radio Outflows in RQ AGN from Pc- to Kpc-scales
EV-2024-07 EY045 2024 2024C X. Yan Episodic Compact Symmetric Objects: a unique window on relativistic jets
EV-2024-08 EB108 2024 2024C R. Burns Triggered VLBI observations of transient maser activity VI
EV-2024-09 EL074 2024 2024C D. Li OH gas in Megamaser Galaxies: imaging the diffuse and compact emission
EV-2024-10 EW039 2024 2024C HC. Wang The nature of the excess radio emission in extremely stable QSOs
EV-2024-11 EB109 2024 2024C W. Baan Revisit two prominent OH MMs
EV-2024-12 EX010 2024 2024C WC. Xu Deep Imaging Observation of Two Varstrometry Selected Dual-Quasar Candidates
EV-2024-13 EB111 2024 2024B K. Bakowska Simultaneous optical and radio observations of AM Her
EV-2024-14 EN014 2024 2024C C. Nanci Are blazar jets associated with IceCube neutrinos?
EV-2024-15 ES112 2024 2024C XW. Shu Corroborating the resolved radio jet in a candidate "turn-on'' AGN
EV-2024-16 EW040 2024 2024C HC. Wang Searching for dual-quasar candidates with projected separations < 0.1 kpc
EV-2024-17 ES113 2024 2024C J. Sun Detecting the jet/outflow in a post-TDE residing a Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy
EV-2024-18 EG133 2024 2024C M. Giroletti Structural evolution in the afterglows of GRBs detected by Einstein Probe
EV-2024-19 EH047 2024 2024C M. Hilton A potential triple AGN system with 5 kpc separation in a z = 0.83 galaxy cluster
EV-2024-20 ED051 2024 2024C R. Deane Is there an obscured active nucleus in MeerKAT's highest -redshift OH megamaser?
EV-2024-21 EL075 2024 2024C XF. Li Searching subpc -scale jet from extremely low accretion rate SMBH in M60
EV-2024-22 GB082 2024 2024B T. Bocanegra (A. Akins) Measuring Jupiter's temperature structure with Juno radio occultations
EV-2024-23 GC040 2024 2024C P. C harlot (A. de Witt) Improving the K -band celestial reference frame for the next multi - waveband ICRF
EV-2024-36 RSG018 2024 2024D Marcin Gawronski Calibrators around magnetar XTE J18100-197
EV-2024-37 RSG019 2024 2024D Tongtian Ren VLASS J233532.86-000424.9 test observation
EV-2024-38 RK002 2024 2024D Franz Kirsten Precisely locating FRB 20240114A
EV-2024-39 RG014 2024 2024D James Leung High-resolution imaging of late-time radio rebrightening in SN 2022xxf
EV-2024-40 RN002 2024 2024D Kenzie Nimmo Searching for a compact radio nebula associated with FRB 20221022A
EV-2024-41 RA007 2024 2024D Tao An e-EVN observation of EP240425a
EV-2024-42 RM020 2024 2024D James Miller-Jones The Lorentz factor of the jet from a tidal disruption event