A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

EVN observed proposals for the 40m telescope in 2023

Year stands for the year when the proposal was observed. Session stands for the observing session. Proposals at the first session were submitted in the last call for proposals of the previous year.

Proposal ID Proposal Code Year Session PI Title
EV-2023-01 EW031A 2023 2023A Wang A Deep-Dive into Gaia Varstrometry Selected Dual Quasar Candidates with EVN
EV-2023-02 RA006 2023 2023D An Identifying the physical origin of the nascent outflow in J1430+2303
EV-2023-03 ES103G 2023 2023A Shu Confirmation of close dual quasars at z=0.6-2.5
EV-2023-04 EC088E 2023 2023A Chen Resolving powerful nuclear outflows in radio-quiet quasars with EVN
EV-2023-05 ED050B 2023 2023A De Becker The gradual revival of synchrotron radiation from the massive binary WR125
EV-2023-06 ES103H 2023 2023A Shu Confirmation of close dual quasars at z=0.6-2.5
EV-2023-07 GV028A 2023 2023A Varenius Global VLBI observations of the starburst galaxy Arp 220
EV-2023-08 EC088F 2023 2023A Chen Resolving powerful nuclear outflows in radio-quiet quasars with EVN
EV-2023-09 EO019B 2023 2023A O’Fionnagain Resolving the stellar wind of lambda And; a RS CVn binary system
EV-2023-10 ES106A 2023 2023A Shu Mas-scale imaging of transient radio emission from a candidate "turn-on" AGN
EV-2023-11 EM170A 2023 2023A Miller-Jones A direct measurement of the jet Lorentz factor in a tidal disruption event
EV-2023-12 ES103I 2023 2023A Shu Confirmation of close dual quasars at z=0.6-2.5
EV-2023-13 ES103J 2023 2023A Shu Confirmation of close dual quasars at z=0.6-2.5
EV-2023-14 GV028B 2023 2023A Varenius Global VLBI observations of the starburst galaxy Arp 220
EV-2023-15 EL065A 2023 2023A Lunz Enhancing the VLBI/Gaia alignment with new observations of radio stars
EV-2023-16 EL065B 2023 2023A Lunz Enhancing the VLBI/Gaia alignment with new observations of radio stars
EV-2023-17 EW034 2023 2023D Wang Confirming the pc-scale jet of the radio-quiet quasar Mrk~110
EV-2023-18 EW031B 2023 2023D Wang A Deep-Dive into Gaia Varstrometry Selected Dual Quasar Candidates with EVN
EV-2023-19 EA069A 2023 2023B An Is SRGE J170245.3+130104 a blazar?
EV-2023-20 EB100A 2023 2023B Bhandari Long-term monitoring of FRB20121102A and its associated persistent radio source
EV-2023-21 EH042A 2023 2023B Hovatta Spatially resolved near-infrared and EVN observations of two blazars
EV-2023-22 ES107 2023 2023B Shu Witnessing the fast jet ejections towards the end of an AGN state-transition
EV-2023-23 EG125 2023 2023B Gabanyi A gamma-ray emitting NLS1 or a gamma-ray emitting radio galaxy?
EV-2023-24 GG087A 2023 2023B Giarratana Studying the structure and the dynamics of the outstanding GRB 221009A
EV-2023-25 EK052A 2023 2023B Kobak Identifying the g-factor of 6.7 GHz methanol maser via polarization observations
EV-2023-26 EK052B 2023 2023B Kobak Identifying the g-factor of 6.7 GHz methanol maser via polarization observations
EV-2023-27 EK052C 2023 2023B Kobak Identifying the g-factor of 6.7 GHz methanol maser via polarization observations
EV-2023-28 EK052D 2023 2023B Kobak Identifying the g-factor of 6.7 GHz methanol maser via polarization observations
EV-2023-29 EA067 2023 2023B Aberfelds Studies of three variable methanol masers in HMSFRs
EV-2023-30 EC092 2023 2023B Charlot Geodesy, astrometry and high-resolution imaging with the EVN at K-band
EV-2023-31 GM082 2023 2023B Moscadelli MHD disk winds across the YSO mass spectrum
EV-2023-32 EH042B 2023 2023B Hovatta Spatially resolved near-infrared and EVN observations of two blazars
EV-2023-33 EL065C 2023 2023B Lunz Enhancing the VLBI/Gaia alignment with new observations of radio stars
EV-2023-34 EW031C 2023 2023D Wang A Deep-Dive into Gaia Varstrometry Selected Dual Quasar Candidates with EVN
EV-2023-35 RB008 2023 2023D Panessa 1ES 1927+654 constraining origin of extreme radio variability
EV-2023-36 RG013D 2023 2023D Giarratana Studying the structure and the dynamics of the outstanding GRB 221009A
EV-2023-37 RG013E 2023 2023D Giarratana Studying the structure and the dynamics of the outstanding GRB 221009A
EV-2023-38 EA065K 2023 2023D Atri Identifying the true nature of compact, steep spectrum sources
EV-2023-39 EG123B 2023 2023D Gawronski Zooming on Ross 15 - a possible planetary system around a nearby red dwarf
EV-2023-40 EN011D 2023 2023D Nanci Are blazar jets associated with IceCube neutrinos?
EV-2023-41 EG123C 2023 2023D Gawronski Zooming on Ross 15 - a possible planetary system around a nearby red dwarf
EV-2023-42 RG013F 2023 2023D Giarratana Studying the structure and the dynamics of the outstanding GRB 221009A
EV-2023-43 EG123D 2023 2023D Gawronski Zooming on Ross 15 - a possible planetary system around a nearby red dwarf