A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

Single-dish approved proposals for the 40m telescope in 2025

Proposals are evaluated by scientific merit and are classifed in ranks A, B and C. Proposals in rank A are guaranteed to be observed, proposals in rank B may be observed if there is available telescope time and proposals in rank C do not have enough quality to be observed.

First Semester - 2025A

Proposal ID Rank Title PI
25A002 A SiO maser monitoring in post-AGB disks. Part II Iván Gallardo Cava
25A004 B A Q-band line survey towards supernova remnant W28 Tianyu Tu
25A005 A Studies on the inheritance of large carbon species to the next-generation star-forming regions -a case study for WR140- Kotomi Taniguchi
25A006 A Simultaneous measurements on the isotope ratios of 12C/13C, 14N/15N and 18O/17O in our Galaxy Jialiang Chen
25A008 A Towards Tracking Binary SMBH Orbits Using Global K/Q/W Simultaneous VLBI Hyunwook Ro
25A010 A Linking the fragmentation of clumps to the evolutionary stages Han-Tsung Lee
25A012 A From Droplets to Dense Cores - a Chemical and Kinematic Analysis of Future Star Formation in the Taurus Molecular Cloud Lucille Steffes
25A018 A Sulphur isotopic fractionation in low-mass star-forming regions Gisela Esplugues
25A019 B Is the widely-distributed narrow SiO tracing different molecular cloud formation scenarios? Wonju Kim
25A020 A Constraining gas and grain sulfur chemistry in star forming regions Angèle Taillard
25A024 A On the origin of the extended velocity features in the Milky Way (resubmission) Yan Gong
25A025 B Where and when are PAHs formed in evolved stars? Jose Cernicharo
25A026 A Exploration of the diffuse interstellar gas composition : a confirmation gerin
25A028 A Accurate measurements of the atmospheric spectrum accessible to the Yebes-40m for model improvements Juan Ramón Pardo Carrión
25A029 A A high-sensitivity molecular spectral survey of young stellar objects at 7 mm: a pilot study Pablo Rivière
25A030 B Investigatinting the chemical composition evolution of high-mass star-forming regions Jialiang Chen