A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

GMVA approved proposals in 2024

Spring and autumn calls included.

Proposal ID Proposal code Title PI
24B-043 MP012 Assessing Temporal Variations in Polarization Leakages within GMVA Observations Park
24B-138 MV007 In light of the shadow: mm-VLBI study of M81* in the context of Sgr A* and M87* von Fellenberg
24B-153 MP014 Peering into M87's black hole in multiple colors Park
24B-165 ML012 Probing the dynamic jet-disk connection in M87 Lu
24B-192 MB023 Finding the AGN corona with 3mm GMVA observations in the obscured LIRG NGC4418 Baczko
24B-198 MB025 Locating the Synchrotron Emission in the White Dwarf Pulsar AR Sco Barret
24B-226 MK031 Scanning the Molecular Torus in NGC 1052 Kameno
24B-317 ML013 Quantifying SMBH spin in the quasar NRAO 530 through jet precession analysis Lisakov
24B-356 MB026 Arp 220: AGN or not AGN?, that is the question... Barcos-Munoz
24B-360 MN005 Jet Launching and Black Hole Demographics: the 'Gold Sample' Nagar
24B-371 MR020 Probing Characteristic Signatures of Neutrino Production in Blazars Roesch
24B-376 MK032 Pinpointing the jet launching mechanism in 3C 84 with GMVA+ALMA+GLT Kam
24B-422 MB027 Jet collimation in Southern AGN Baczko
25A-145 MP015 Peering into M87's black hole in multiple colors with GMVA+APEX+LBA Park
25A-154 MH007 Exploring the disk-jet connection for SMBH 3C120 with XRISM, EHT and GMVA Hada
25A-193 MK033 In-band analysis of the subpc-scale jet of BLLac with GMVA Kim
25A-194 MK034 Pinpointing the jet launching mechanism in 3C 84 with GMVA+APEX Kam