A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

EVN approved proposals in 2024

Proposal ID is associated to the year of observation.

First call - 2024A

Proposal ID Proposal code Title PI
EV-2024-01 E24A001 The microblazar candidate IRAS 18293- 0941 B. Marcote (J. Martí)
EV-2024-02 E24A003 AGN or Starburst? Confirming the Nature of Off-nuclear Radio Emission in NGC2146 X. Cheng
EV-2024-03 E24A004 Hyper-eddington accretion: pc-scale radio structures in IRAS 04416+1215 N. Chang
EV-2024-04 E24A006 Search for an unprecedented radio jet from a nearby thermal TDE J. Yang
EV-2024-05 E24A008 High-resolution imaging of late-time radio rebrightening in SN2022xxf J. Leung
EV-2024-06 E24A009 Tracing the Radio Outflows in RQ AGN from Pc- to Kpc-scales S. Ghosh
EV-2024-07 E24A010 Episodic Compact Symmetric Objects: a unique window on relativistic jets X. Yan
EV-2024-08 E24A011 Triggered VLBI observations of transient maser activity VI R. Burns
EV-2024-09 E24A012 OH gas in Megamaser Galaxies: imaging the diffuse and compact emission D. Li
EV-2024-10 E24A013 The nature of the excess radio emission in extremely stable QSOs HC. Wang
EV-2024-11 E24A014 Revisit two prominent OH MMs W. Baan
EV-2024-12 E24A017 Deep Imaging Observation of Two Varstrometry Selected Dual-Quasar Candidates WC. Xu
EV-2024-13 E24A018 Simultaneous optical and radio observations of AM Her K. Bakowska
EV-2024-14 E24A019 Are blazar jets associated with IceCube neutrinos? C. Nanci
EV-2024-15 E24A020 Corroborating the resolved radio jet in a candidate "turn-on'' AGN XW. Shu
EV-2024-16 E24A022 Searching for dual-quasar candidates with projected separations < 0.1 kpc HC. Wang
EV-2024-17 E24A023 Detecting the jet/outflow in a post-TDE residing a Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy J. Sun
EV-2024-18 E24A024 Structural evolution in the afterglows of GRBs detected by Einstein Probe M. Giroletti
EV-2024-19 E24A025 A potential triple AGN system with 5 kpc separation in a z = 0.83 galaxy cluster M. Hilton
EV-2024-20 E24A026 Is there an obscured active nucleus in MeerKAT's highest -redshift OH megamaser? R. Deane
EV-2024-21 E24A027 Searching subpc -scale jet from extremely low accretion rate SMBH in M60 XF. Li
EV-2024-22 G24A002 Measuring Jupiter's temperature structure with Juno radio occultations T. Bocanegra (A. Akins)
EV-2024-23 G24A003 Improving the K -band celestial reference frame for the next multi - waveband ICRF P. C harlot (A. de Witt)

Second call - 2024B

Proposal ID Proposal code Title PI
EV-2024-24 E24B002 High-resolution imaging of late-time radio rebrightening in SN 2022xxf J. Leung
EV-2024-25 E24B003 Hunt for compact binary mergers during the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA O4b S. Giarratana
EV-2024-26 E24B005 Towards efficient selection of potential VLBI phase-reference sources S. Frey
EV-2024-27 E24B011 The magnetized 'water fountain' and circumstellar structure of a nascent PN R. Cala
EV-2024-28 E24B013 Validation of circumstellar mass transfer and acceleration scenario in NSV17351 A. Nakagawa
EV-2024-29 E24B015 Accreting IMBHs: search for a flatspectrum radio core J. Yang
EV-2024-30 E24B017 Characterising evolution of hard state radio jets of black hole X-ray binaries P. Atri
EV-2024-31 E24B018 Parallax of an unclassified, circularly polarized source P. Atri (E. Pattie)
EV-2024-32 E2BA021 Into the afterglow: high-resolution view of GW events of LIGO O4 P. Atri
EV-2024-33 E24B022 The First VHE Emitting Low-Luminosity AGN E. Bronzini
EV-2024-34 G24B001 Unveiling the Transverse Jet Structure of nearby AGNs through the GVA J. Park
EV-2024-35 G24B002 The expanding afterglow of GRB 221009A S. Giarratana

Target of opportunity or short term proposals - 2024D

Proposal ID Proposal code Title PI
EV-2024-36 RSG018 Calibrators around magnetar XTE J18100-197 Marcin Gawronski
EV-2024-37 RSG019 VLASS J233532.86-000424.9 test observation Tongtian Ren
EV-2024-38 RK002 Precisely locating FRB 20240114A Franz Kirsten
EV-2024-39 RG014 High-resolution imaging of late-time radio rebrightening in SN 2022xxf James Leung
EV-2024-40 RN002 Searching for a compact radio nebula associated with FRB 20221022A Kenzie Nimmo
EV-2024-41 RA007 e-EVN observation of EP240425a Tao An
EV-2024-42 RM020 The Lorentz factor of the jet from a tidal disruption event James Miller-Jones