40m RT call for proposalsStandard Call for 2025A is openThe Observatory of Yebes (IGN) invites astronomers around the world to submit scientific proposals for observing with the 40 m radiotelescope in the first semester of 2025. The accepted proposals will be observed between February 1st, 2025 and July 31st, 2025. The call will be opened between December 17th, 2024, and January 13th, 2025 (15:00 UTC). This call is oriented to single-dish observations and VLBI observations not included in the EVN or GMVA calls. Proposals using OTF mapping should assume a maximum map size of 400'' x 400'' for Q-band and 200'' x 200'' for W-band, squared in shape, for calculating sensitivity vs. time estimation. We recommend to plan for enough submaps to cover a different shape if needed, or larger areas. At this moment, OTF maps can only be oriented along fixed cardinal directions (North-South or East-West) and cannot be rotated to arbitrary position angles. Following successful commissioning work, this semester we are offering a wobbler-switching mode that will improve spectral baselines. For the time being, wobbling-switching is offered in shared-risk mode, with offset throws ranging from ±160 to ±400 arcsec, and wobbling frequencies ranging from 0.0625 to 0.25 Hz. The 40 m radiotelescope is operated by the Observatory of Yebes, Instituto Geográfico Nacional. It is equipped with receivers at different frequency bands between 2 GHz and 90 GHz. Single-dish observations are offered at 7 mm and 3 mm wavelengths (the latter only in night time). Position, frequency switching, wobbler-switching, and on-the-fly mapping (PA = 0, i.e. oriented along fixed cardinal directions North-South or East-West) can be used at both bands. Note that single-dish observations at 35 and 60 mm (X, and C bands) are currently offered in Director's Discretionary Time only (see below). For more information on the telescope, modes offered and useful advices concerning this call, please refer to the 40m RT page. The proposal preparation tool, RAYO, can be accessed here. Director's Discretionary Time (DDT)Since 2019, a small fraction of the observing time is open, through the whole year, to proposals classified as Director's Discretionary Time (DDT). Under this type we consider:
Long Term Programs (LTP)Long Term Proposals are regular-like proposals meant for projects needing observations to span across 2, 3, or 4 semesters (e.g. long term monitoring programs). The need for splitting observations across semesters must be adequately justified in the proposal text. Note that up to 10% of the total time for semester will be devoted to LTP observations. To create a LTP, check the appropriate box during proposal creation in RAYO, and specify the number of semesters requested. InstructionsApart from filling the application form, it is mandatory to include a scientific and technical justification that must be uploaded as a separate PDF file. The maximum extension of regular and LTP proposals is 2 pages of text + 2 pages for Figures, Tables and References. The format must be A4, with a font size 11pt or larger, and single spacing. The scientific justification of DDT proposals has a maximum extension of 2 pages for everything, in the same format. A simple LaTeX template is provided here for these purposes. Please note that failure to comply with these rules could result in proposal rejection. Any questions regarding the submission process should be addressed to m.santander at oan.es. Pablo de Vicente.
Director of the Observatory of Yebes, Centro de Desarrollos Tecnológicos